Let's create another node test.item2, and save some datapoints to it (or, we may just copy test/item/ directory).
export CERES_TREE=/tmp/storage/ceres
export NODE=test.item2
$ ll `ceres-tree-find $CERES_TREE $NODE --fspath`
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 tmp tmp 144 Jun 22 20:48 1371923150@10.slice
-rw-r--r-- 1 tmp tmp 8 Jun 22 20:52 1371923570@10.slice
-rw-r--r-- 1 tmp tmp 88 Jun 22 20:59 1371923870@10.slice
I can read data with ceres-node-read, but right now I'm more interested to know what exactly data are stored to each slice.
I can check it with 'slicecat' tool: